A to Z Index For Some Commands Friday, 15 November 2013 PC Tips & Tricks An A-Z Index of Windows VBScript commands Abs(number) Absolute (positive) value of number .AppActivate Activate running command Array(el1,el2,el3) Add values to an Array variable Arguments Command line arguments Asc(String) Return ASCII code for string AscW(String) Return Unicode code for string .BrowseForFolder Prompt the user to select a folderc Call subroutine (arguments) or subroutine arguments CBool(expression) Convert expression to Boolean (True/False) • CByte(expression) Convert expression to Byte (0-255) • CCur(expression) Convert expression to Currency (numeric) • CDate(expression) Convert expression to Date • CDbl(expression) Convert expression to Double (up to 1.79x10308) • Chr(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (ASCII code) ChrB(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (Byte code) ChrW(ChrCode) Return the string character for ChrCode (Unicode/DBCS) CInt(expression) Convert expression to Integer • CLng(expression) Convert expression to long • CSng(expression) Convert expression to single • CStr(expression) Convert expression to a string • .CreateObject Create an automation object / run an external command .CreateShortcut Create Shortcut cscript Run a VBScript .vbs file .CurrentDirectory Retrieve or change the current directoryd Date() The current system date DateAdd Add a time interval to a Date DateDiff Return the time interval between two dates DatePart Return part of a given date DateSerial Return a Date from a numeric Year, Month and Day DateValue Return a Date from a string expression Day(date) Return the day component of date (1-31) Dim Declare a new variable or array variable Do..Loop Repeat a block of statements Drives Drive Map .MapNetworkDrive - .Enum - .Removee .Echo Echo text to screen, also StdOut.Write /.Popup End End a procedure or code block Environment Variables - Expand - .Delete/Remove Escape(String) Return only ASCII characters from a Unicode string. Eval(expr) Evaluate an expression .Exec Run a command Exp(n) Return e (base of natural logs) raised to a power n. Exit Exit a block of code immediatelyf FileSystemObject Work with Drives, Folders and Files Filter Produce an array by filtering an existing array Fix(number) Return the integer portion of a number For...Next Repeat a block of statements a given number of times For Each... Loop through the items in a collection or array FormatCurrency Format a number with a currency symbol FormatNumber Format a number FormatPercent Format a number with a % symbol FormatDateTime Format a Date/Time value Function Define a function procedureg GetLocale() Return the Regional LocaleID .GetObject Get an Automation objecth Hex(number) Return the hex value of number Hour(time) Return the hour component of timei If..Then Conditionally execute a block of statements InputBox Prompt for user input InStr Find one string within another InStrRev Find one string within another, starting from the end Int(number) Return the integer portion of a number IsArray(varname) Is varname an array? IsDate(expression) Is expression a DateTime? IsEmpty(expression) Is expression initialised? IsNull(expression) Is expression NULL? IsNumeric(expression) Is expression a Numeric? IsObject(expression) Is expression an object? Join Combine the contents of an array into a single variable. l LBound Return the smallest subscript for an array. LCase(String) Return String in lower case Left(String,len) Return the leftmost len characters of string LeftB(String,len) Return the leftmost len bytes of string Len(String) Return length of string in characters LenB(String) Return length of string in Bytes Log(number) Return natural log of number .LogEvent Log an item in the Event log LTrim(String) Remove any leading spaces from a string expression m .MapNetworkDrive Drive Map Mid Return a mid-section from a string Minute(time) Return the minute component of time Month(date) Return the month component of date MonthName Convert a month number to a descriptive Month MsgBox Display a dialogue box message Now Return the current Date and Timeo On Error Error handling Option Explicit Force all variables to be definedp .AddPrinterConn / .AddWindowsPrConn Add Printer connection .EnumPrinterConnections List Printer connections .SetDefaultPrinter Set default printer .RemovePrinterConnection Remove printer connection Private VarName Declare a local variable/array variable Public VarName Declare a public variable/array variableq .Quit Quitr Randomize(number) Initialise the random number generator .ReadLine Accept user text input ReDim Resize a dynamic array RegExp Regular expression search object .RegDelete Registry, delete .RegRead Registry, read .RegWrite Registry, write REM Add a Comment Replace Find and replace text RGB(Red,Green,Blue) Return a system color code Right(String,len) Return the rightmost len characters of string RightB(String,len) Return the rightmost len bytes of string Rnd Return a random number Round Round a number to n decimal places RTrim(String) Remove any trailing spaces from a string expression .Run a commands Second(time) Return the second component of time Select...Case Conditionally execute a block of statements .SendKeys Set variable = object Assign an object reference SetLocale(LocaleID) Set the Regional LocaleID Sgn(number) The sign of a number .ShellExecute Run a script/application in the Windows Shell Shortcut create .CreateShortcut .Sleep Space Return a string consisting of spaces. .SpecialFolders Path to Desktop,Start menu, Programs... Split Parse a string of delimited values into an array Sqr(number) Square root StrComp Compare two strings String Create a string with a single character repeated StrReverse Reverse a string Sub Declare a sub proceduret Time() The current system time Timer() The number of seconds since midnight TimeSerial Construct a Time value from Hours, Minutes and seconds TimeValue Convert a string to a Time value Trim(String) Remove leading and trailing spaces from string TypeName Return variable type (variant subtype). u UBound Return the largest subscript for an array dimension UCase(String) Uppercase String UnEscape(Str) Return Unicode characters from an escaped ASCII stringw Weekday Return the day of the week (1-7) WeekdayName Return the named day of the week While...Wend Conditionally repeat a block of statements With Assign multiple properties of an object Year(date) Return the year component of date (1-12) ' Remark Add a Comment• All VBScript variables are variants the conversion functions set the variant subtype (an internal flag indicating the DataType) .An A-Z Index of Microsoft Access commands and functionsa Abs The absolute value of a number (ignore negative sign). .AddMenu Add a custom menu bar/shortcut bar. .AddNew Add a new record to a recordset. .ApplyFilter Apply a filter clause to a table, form, or report. Array Create an Array. Asc The Ascii code of a character. AscW The Unicode of a character. Atn Display the ArcTan of an angle. Avg (SQL) Average.b .Beep (DoCmd) Sound a tone. .BrowseTo(DoCmd) Navigate between objects.c Call Call a procedure. .CancelEvent (DoCmd) Cancel an event. .CancelUpdate Cancel recordset changes. Case If Then Else. CBool Convert to boolean. CByte Convert to byte. CCur Convert to currency (number) CDate Convert to Date. CVDate Convert to Date. CDbl Convert to Double (number) CDec Convert to Decimal (number) Choose Return a value from a list based on position. ChDir Change the current directory or folder. ChDrive Change the current drive. Chr Return a character based on an ASCII code. .ClearMacroError (DoCmd) Clear MacroError. .Close (DoCmd) Close a form/report/window. .CloseDatabase (DoCmd) Close the database. CInt Convert to Integer (number) CLng Convert to Long (number) Command Return command line option string. .CopyDatabaseFile(DoCmd) Copy to an SQL .mdf file. .CopyObject (DoCmd) Copy an Access database object. Cos Display Cosine of an angle. Count (SQL) Count records. CSng Convert to Single (number.) CStr Convert to String. CurDir Return the current path. CurrentDb Return an object variable for the current database. CurrentUser Return the current user. CVar Convert to a Variant.d Date The current date. DateAdd Add a time interval to a date. DateDiff The time difference between two dates. DatePart Return part of a given date. DateSerial Return a date given a year, month, and day. DateValue Convert a string to a date. DAvg Average from a set of records. Day Return the day of the month. DCount Count the number of records in a table/query. Delete (SQL) Delete records. .DeleteObject (DoCmd) Delete an object. DeleteSetting Delete a value from the users registry .DoMenuItem (DoCmd) Display a menu or toolbar command. DFirst The first value from a set of records. Dir List the files in a folder. DLast The last value from a set of records. DLookup Get the value of a particular field. DMax Return the maximum value from a set of records. DMin Return the minimum value from a set of records. DoEvents Allow the operating system to process other events. DStDev Estimate Standard deviation for domain (subset of records) DStDevP Estimate Standard deviation for population (subset of records) DSum Return the sum of values from a set of records. DVar Estimate variance for domain (subset of records) DVarP Estimate variance for population (subset of records)e .Echo Turn screen updating on or off. Environ Return the value of an OS environment variable. EOF End of file input. Error Return the error message for an error No. Eval Evaluate an expression. Execute(SQL/VBA) Execute a procedure or run SQL. Exp Exponential e raised to the nth power.f FileDateTime Filename last modified date/time. FileLen The size of a file in bytes. .FindFirst/Last/Next/Previous Record. .FindRecord(DoCmd) Find a specific record. First (SQL) Return the first value from a query. Fix Return the integer portion of a number. For Loop. Format Format a Number/Date/Time. FreeFile The next file No. available to open. From Specify the table(s) to be used in an SQL query. FV Future Value of an annuity.g GetAllSettings List the settings saved in the registry. GetAttr Get file/folder attributes. GetObject Return a reference to an ActiveX object GetSetting Retrieve a value from the users registry. .GoToPage Move to a page on the current form. .GoToRecord (DoCmd)Move to a specific record in a dataset.h Hex Convert a number to Hex. Hour Return the hour of the day. .Hourglass (DoCmd) Display the hourglass icon. HyperlinkPart Return information about data stored as a hyperlink.i If Then Else If-Then-Else IIf If-Then-Else function. Input Return characters from a file. InputBox Prompt for user input. Insert (SQL) Add records to a table (append query). InStr Return the position of one string within another. InstrRev Return the position of one string within another. Int Return the integer portion of a number. IPmt Interest payment for an annuity IsArray Test if an expression is an array IsDate Test if an expression is a date. IsEmpty Test if an expression is Empty. IsError Test if an expression is returning an error. IsMissing Test if a missing expression. IsNull Test for a NULL expression. IsNumeric Test for a valid Number. IsObject Test if an expression is an Object.L Last (SQL) Return the last value from a query. LBound Return the smallest subscript from an array. LCase Convert a string to lower-case. Left Extract a substring from a string. Len Return the length of a string. LoadPicture Load a picture into an ActiveX control. Loc The current position within an open file. .LockNavigationPane(DoCmd) Lock the Navigation Pane. LOF The length of a file opened with Open() Log Return the natural logarithm of a number. LTrim Remove leading spaces from a string.m Max (SQL) Return the maximum value from a query. .Maximize (DoCmd) Enlarge the active window. Mid Extract a substring from a string. Min (SQL) Return the minimum value from a query. .Minimize (DoCmd) Minimise a window. Minute Return the minute of the hour. MkDir Create directory. Month Return the month for a given date. MonthName Return a string representing the month. .Move Move through a Recordset. .MoveFirst/Last/Next/Previous Record .MoveSize (DoCmd) Move or Resize a Window. MsgBox Display a message in a dialogue box.n Next Continue a for loop. Now Return the current date and time. Nz Detect a NULL value.o Oct Convert an integer to Octal. OnClick, OnOpen Events. .OpenForm (DoCmd) Open a form. .OpenRecordset Create a new Recordset. .OpenReport (DoCmd) Open a report. .OutputTo (DoCmd) Export to a Text/CSV/Spreadsheet file.p Partition (SQL) Locate a number within a range. .PrintOut (DoCmd) Print the active object (form/report etc.)q Quit Quit Microsoft Accessr .RefreshRecord (DoCmd) Refresh the data in a form. .Rename (DoCmd) Rename an object. .RepaintObject (DoCmd) Complete any pending screen updates. Replace Replace a sequence of characters in a string. .Requery Requery the data in a form or a control. .Restore (DoCmd) Restore a maximized or minimized window. RGB Convert an RGB color to a number. Right Extract a substring from a string. Rnd Generate a random number. Round Round a number to n decimal places. RTrim Remove trailing spaces from a string. .RunCommand Run an Access menu or toolbar command. .RunDataMacro (DoCmd) Run a named data macro. .RunMacro (DoCmd) Run a macro. .RunSavedImportExport (DoCmd) Run a saved import or export specification. .RunSQL (DoCmd) Run an SQL query.s .Save (DoCmd) Save a database object. SaveSetting Store a value in the users registry .SearchForRecord(DoCmd) Search for a specific record. Second Return the seconds of the minute. Seek The position within a file opened with Open. Select (SQL) Retrieve data from one or more tables or queries. Select Into (SQL) Make-table query. Select-Subquery (SQL) SubQuery. .SelectObject (DoCmd) Select a specific database object. .SendObject (DoCmd) Send an email with a database object attached. SendKeys Send keystrokes to the active window. SetAttr Set the attributes of a file. .SetDisplayedCategories (DoCmd) Change Navigation Pane display options. .SetFilter (DoCmd) Apply a filter to the records being displayed. SetFocus Move focus to a specified field or control. .SetMenuItem (DoCmd) Set the state of menubar items (enabled /checked) .SetOrderBy (DoCmd) Apply a sort to the active datasheet, form or report. .SetParameter (DoCmd) Set a parameter before opening a Form or Report. .SetWarnings (DoCmd) Turn system messages on or off. Sgn Return the sign of a number. .ShowAllRecords(DoCmd) Remove any applied filter. .ShowToolbar (DoCmd) Display or hide a custom toolbar. Shell Run an executable program. Sin Display Sine of an angle. SLN Straight Line Depreciation. Space Return a number of spaces. Sqr Return the square root of a number. StDev (SQL) Estimate the standard deviation for a population. Str Return a string representation of a number. StrComp Compare two strings. StrConv Convert a string to Upper/lower case or Unicode. String Repeat a character n times. Sum (SQL) Add up the values in a query result set. Switch Return one of several values. SysCmd Display a progress meter.t Tan Display Tangent of an angle. Time Return the current system time. Timer Return a number (single) of seconds since midnight. TimeSerial Return a time given an hour, minute, and second. TimeValue Convert a string to a Time. .TransferDatabase (DoCmd) Import or export data to/from another database. .TransferSharePointList(DoCmd) Import or link data from a SharePoint Foundation site. .TransferSpreadsheet (DoCmd) Import or export data to/from a spreadsheet file. .TransferSQLDatabase (DoCmd) Copy an entire SQL Server database. .TransferText (DoCmd) Import or export data to/from a text file. Transform (SQL) Create a crosstab query. Trim Remove leading and trailing spaces from a string. TypeName Return the data type of a variable. u UBound Return the largest subscript from an array. UCase Convert a string to upper-case. Union (SQL) Combine the results of two SQL queries. Update (SQL) Update existing field values in a table. .Update Save a recordset.v Val Extract a numeric value from a string. Var (SQL) Estimate variance for sample (all records) VarP (SQL) Estimate variance for population (all records) VarType Return a number indicating the data type of a variable.w Weekday Return the weekday (1-7) from a date. WeekdayName Return the day of the week.y Year Return the year for a given date.An A-Z Index of CSS properties animation -name, -duration, -timing-function -delay -iteration-count -direction -fill-mode CSS3 background -Attachment -Color -Image -Repeat -Position background-Clip The painting area of the background. CSS3 background-Origin The positioning area of the background images. CSS3 background-Size The size of the background images. CSS3 bookmark-label Label a bookmark. CSS3 bookmark-target Target of a bookmark link. CSS3 border -color -style -width Set all 4 borders. border-bottom -bottom-width -bottom-style -bottom-color border-left -left-width -left-style -left-color border-right -right-width -right-style -right-color border-top -top-width -top-style -top-color border-collapse Collapse table borders. border-spacing Distance between the borders of adjacent cells. border-image Set a border image. CSS3 border-radius -top-left-radius -top-right-radius -bottom-left-radius -bottom-right-radius CSS3 bottom Bottom position of a positioned element box-align Align the child elements of a box. CSS3 box-direction The direction in which children of a box are displayed. CSS3 box-flex Whether the children of a box are flexible or inflexible in size. CSS3 box-ordinal-group Display order of the child elements of a box. CSS3 box-orient Position child elements horizontally or vertically. CSS3 box-pack Define the horizontal or vertical position or a box. CSS3 box-shadow Attach one or more drop-shadows to the box. CSS3 box-sizing The CSS box model used to calculate the height and width of elements. CSS3c clear Set sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed clip Clip an absolutely positioned image/element. color Text color column-gap Gap between the columns. CSS3 column-rule -rule-color -rule-style -rule-width CSS3 column-span How many columns an element should span across. CSS3 columns -width -count CSS3 content Insert generated content before or after an element. counter-increment Increment one or more counters. CSS3 counter-reset Create or reset one or more counters. CSS3 crop Allow a replaced element to be a cropped area of the whole object. CSS3 cursor The type of cursor to be displayed.d direction The text reading direction, left-to-right or right-to-left. display How to display an HTML element.f float Shift to the left (or right) allowing other content to flow/wrap alongside. font -family -size -style(italic/normal) -variant(small-caps) -weight(Normal/bold) @font-face Download and use a web font. font-size-adjust Attempt to normalise the font size. CSS3 font-stretch Select a normal, condensed, or expanded font face. CSS3g grid-columns Width of each column in a grid. CSS3 grid-rows Height of each column in a grid. CSS3h height Height of an element. max-height Maximum height of an element. min-height Minimum height of an element. hyphens How to split words to improve the paragraph layout. CSS3l left Left position of a positioned element. Letter-Spacing Increase or decrease the space between characters. line-height Line height. list-style -image -position -type list-item markers.m margin -top -right -bottom -left marquee -direction -play-count -speed -style Moving content. max-width Maximum width of an element. min-width Minimum width of an element.o opacity Opacity level for an element. CSS3 outline -color -style -width outline-offset Offset an outline, and draw it beyond the border edge. CSS3 overflow What happens if content overflows an element's box. overflow-x Whether to clip the left/right edges of overflowing content. CSS3 overflow-y Whether to clip the top/bottom edges of overflowing content. CSS3 text-overflow What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3p padding -bottom -left -right -top page-break-after Adjust page breaks after the current element. page-break-before Adjust page breaks before the current element. position Positioning method for an element. (static, relative, absolute or fixed)q quotes Type of quotation marks for embedded quotations.r right Right position of a positioned element.t table-layout How to layout table columns. top Top position of a positioned element. text-align Horizontal alignment of text. text-decoration Add decoration to text. text-indent Indent the first line in a text-block. text-overflow What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3 text-shadow Add a shadow to text. CSS3 text-transform Change the capitalization of text. text-align-last How to align the last line of text. CSS3 text-justify Justification method used when text-align is "justify". CSS3 transform Apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. CSS3 transform-origin Change the position of transformed elements. CSS3 transform-style How nested elements are rendered in 3D space. CSS3 transition -property -duration -timing-function -delay CSS transition effects. CSS3u unicode-bidi Control the inline direction of text. user-select Control the selection of text. vertical-align Vertical alignment of an image/element. visibility Hide or show an element.w white-space How white-space inside an element is handled. word-spacing Increase or decrease the space between words in a text. width Width of an element. max-width Maximum width of an element. min-width Minimum width of an element. z-index Stack order of a positioned element./* This is a CSS comment */Bold = Shortcut property Grey = very limited web browser support.An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file ADmodcmd Active Directory Bulk Modify ARP Address Resolution Protocol ASSOC Change file extension associations• ASSOCIAT One step file association AT Schedule a command to run at a specific time ATTRIB Change file attributesb BCDBOOT Create or repair a system partition BCDEDIT Manage Boot Configuration Data BITSADMIN Background Intelligent Transfer Service BOOTCFG Edit Windows boot settings BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC infoc CACLS Change file permissions CALL Call one batch program from another• CERTREQ Request certificate from a certification authority CERTUTIL Utility for certification authority (CA) files and services CD Change Directory - move to a specific Folder• CHANGE Change Terminal Server Session properties CHKDSK Check Disk - check and repair disk problems CHKNTFS Check the NTFS file system CHOICE Accept keyboard input to a batch file CIPHER Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks CLIP Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard CLS Clear the screen• CLUSTER Windows Clustering CMD Start a new CMD shell CMDKEY Manage stored usernames/passwords COLOR Change colors of the CMD window• COMP Compare the contents of two files or sets of files COMPACT Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition CON2PRT Connect or disconnect a Printer CONVERT Convert a FAT drive to NTFS COPY Copy one or more files to another location• CSCcmd Client-side caching (Offline Files) CSVDE Import or Export Active Directory data d DATE Display or set the date• DEFRAG Defragment hard drive DEL Delete one or more files• DELPROF Delete user profiles DELTREE Delete a folder and all subfolders DevCon Device Manager Command Line Utility DIR Display a list of files and folders• DIRUSE Display disk usage DISKPART Disk Administration DISKSHADOW Volume Shadow Copy Service DNSSTAT DNS Statistics DOSKEY Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros DriverQuery Display installed device drivers DSACLs Active Directory ACLs DSAdd Add items to active directory (user group computer) DSGet View items in active directory (user group computer) DSQuery Search for items in active directory (user group computer) DSMod Modify items in active directory (user group computer) DSMove Move an Active directory Object DSRM Remove items from Active Directorye ECHO Display message on screen• ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file• ERASE Delete one or more files• EVENTCREATE Add a message to the Windows event log EXIT Quit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel• EXPAND Uncompress files EXTRACT Uncompress CAB filesf FC Compare two files FIND Search for a text string in a file FINDSTR Search for strings in files FOR /F Loop command: against a set of files• FOR /F Loop command: against the results of another command• FOR Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List• FORFILES Batch process multiple files FORMAT Format a disk FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes) FSUTIL File and Volume utilities FTP File Transfer Protocol FTYPE File extension file type associations•g GETMAC Display the Media Access Control (MAC) address GLOBAL Display membership of global groups GOTO Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line• GPRESULT Display Resultant Set of Policy information GPUPDATE Update Group Policy settingsh HELP Online Helpi iCACLS Change file and folder permissions IF Conditionally perform a command• IFMEMBER Is the current user a member of a Workgroup IPCONFIG Configure IPk KILL Remove a program from memoryl LABEL Edit a disk label LOCAL Display membership of local groups LOGEVENT Write text to the event viewer LOGMAN Manage Performance Monitor LOGOFF Log a user off LOGTIME Log the date and time in a filem MAPISEND Send email from the command line MBSAcli Baseline Security Analyzer MEM Display memory usage MD Create new folders• MKLINK Create a symbolic link (linkd) • MODE Configure a system device MORE Display output, one screen at a time MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point MOVE Move files from one folder to another• MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another MSG Send a message MSIEXEC Microsoft Windows Installer MSINFO32 System Information MSTSC Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol) MV Copy in-use filesn NET Manage network resources NETDOM Domain Manager NETSH Configure Network Interfaces, Windows Firewall & Remote access NETSVC Command-line Service Controller NBTSTAT Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) NETSTAT Display networking statistics (TCP/IP) NOW Display the current Date and Time NSLOOKUP Name server lookup NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape NTRIGHTS Edit user account rightso OPENFILES Query or display open filesp PATH Display or set a search path for executable files• PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss PAUSE Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message• PERMS Show permissions for a user PERFMON Performance Monitor PING Test a network connection POPD Return to a previous directory saved by PUSHD• PORTQRY Display the status of ports and services POWERCFG Configure power settings PRINT Print a text file PRINTBRM Print queue Backup/Recovery PRNCNFG Display, configure or rename a printer PRNMNGR Add, delete, list printers set the default printer PROMPT Change the command prompt• PsExec Execute process remotely PsFile Show files opened remotely PsGetSid Display the SID of a computer or a user PsInfo List information about a system PsKill Kill processes by name or process ID PsList List detailed information about processes PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing) PsLogList Event log records PsPasswd Change account password PsPing Measure network performance PsService View and control services PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer PsSuspend Suspend processes PUSHD Save and then change the current directory•q QGREP Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern Query Process Display processes (TS/Remote Desktop) Query Session Display all sessions (TS/Remote Desktop) Query TermServer List all servers (TS/Remote Desktop) Query User Display user sessions (TS/Remote Desktop)r RASDIAL Manage RAS connections RASPHONE Manage RAS connections RECOVER Recover a damaged file from a defective disk REG Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values REGEDIT Import or export registry settings REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL REGINI Change Registry Permissions REM Record comments (remarks) in a batch file• REN Rename a file or files• REPLACE Replace or update one file with another Reset Session Delete a Remote Desktop Session RD Delete folder(s)• RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy ROUTE Manipulate network routing tables RUN Start | RUN commands RUNAS Execute a program under a different user account RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)s SC Service Control SCHTASKS Schedule a command to run at a specific time SCLIST Display Services SET Display, set, or remove session environment variables• SETLOCAL Control the visibility of environment variables• SETX Set environment variables SFC System File Checker SHARE List or edit a file share or print share ShellRunAs Run a command under a different user account SHIFT Shift the position of batch file parameters• SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file) SHOWGRPS List the Workgroups a user has joined SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer SLEEP Wait for x seconds SLMGR Software Licensing Management (Vista/2008) SOON Schedule a command to run in the near future SORT Sort input START Start a program, command or batch file• SU Switch User SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain SUBST Associate a path with a drive letter SYSTEMINFO List system configurationt TAKEOWN Take ownership of a file TASKLIST List running applications and services TASKKILL Remove a running process from memory TIME Display or set the system time• TIMEOUT Delay processing of a batch file TITLE Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session• TLIST Task list with full path TOUCH Change file timestamps TRACERT Trace route to a remote host TREE Graphical display of folder structure TSDISCON Disconnect a Remote Desktop Session TSSHUTDN Remotely shut down or reboot a terminal server TYPE Display the contents of a text file• TypePerf Write performance data to a log fileu USRSTAT List domain usernames and last loginv VER Display version information• VERIFY Verify that files have been saved• VOL Display a disk label•w WAITFOR Wait for or send a signal WHERE Locate and display files in a directory tree WHOAMI Output the current UserName and domain WINDIFF Compare the contents of two files or sets of files WINMSDP Windows system report WINRM Windows Remote Management WINRS Windows Remote Shell WMIC WMI Commands WUAUCLT Windows Updatex XCACLS Change file and folder permissions XCOPY Copy files and folders :: Comment / Remark•Commands marked • are Internal commands only available within the CMD shell.All other commands (not marked with •) are external commands.External commands may be used under the CMD shell, PowerShell, or directly from START-RUN. 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